Nothing…nothing here…nothing there…empty…Zero…I felt nothing in my heart…I felt nothing to be thought…
Nothing to do…Nothing to worry…no nothing…
When I do something bad, I feel nothing...Even a sin if it is been done, I felt like “nothing”…Nothing in my heart…No feeling at all!!!
Is this what they call a dead heart? A heart that is closed for light, only darkness can enter…Does that mean my heart is dead and I do not have a chance to repent?
If I have a dead heart, then am I dead already? Nah, nonsense…I am still alive and breathing…so why I don’t have any feelings at all?
Many people asked me to give some advice, a motivation or talk to them…but how can I give something when I don’t have anything?
I don’t hate myself or my life…but I don’t feel anything…Even if they call me a fraud, coward, I still don’t feel anything…
Who can answer?
kadang ada juga rasa mcm tu.mgkin sbb
HDA n HDMama+Abah
HDA selalu dgr....
HDM first time dgr...
Dua-dua penting insyallah...
Selalulah mengadu
dan berharap kepada Allah..
bersama taqarrub kepadaNya
InsyaAllah akhi...
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