Friday, December 10, 2010

The Sky is crying, are you?

"Tears and Cries..." Ameen Misran
Picture by Masterpiecestudios a.k.a my big bro

The Sky is crying, are you? 

By Ameen Misran

*This is my poem inspired by Harga Hujan itu by Hilal Asyraf and Signs by Boona Mohammed.

As I gaze towards the sky,
it makes me wonder why,
why is the sky turning cloudy?
Is the sky feeling gloomy?

“Oh, it is raining outside” says my little heart,
“Again?” As the rain starts to depart,
trillions of tiny droplets of water,
dashing through the atmosphere,
colliding fiercely onto the terrain,
making typical sounds of the rain.

It has been raining for days,
“Why it has to rain?” my heart says,

my days are filled with water,
if not a drizzle, it may be a downpour or even a thunder.

Scary isn’t it when it rains?
Deaths occurs more than usual,
accidents happen due to slippery roads,
people are not happy as toads,
they say “Rain rain, go away”,
“come back in another day.”

We forgot to start thinking,
the sky is actually crying,
we think we are too good to be true,
we forgot to implement Surah Al-Baqarah: 82,
we fulfilled our lives with laughs and sins,
transgressing bounds with defiant grins.

But this world is full of signs,
from the moon and the skies,
from the bees and the bugs,
makes it need to look up,
and question what’s up.

“Why you deal with this stuff?!”,
“When your spirits a quest!”,
but like thunder this question strucks,
all the signs that were sent,
they finally make sense,
you feel the torment,
so you need to repent,
but your heart is cement.

So cry! Soften your heart!
Cry in your tahajjud! Cry for Allah!
Make the repentance your start!
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for Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean. (Surah Al-Baqarah: 222) 


dates.trees said...

very nice.. indeed..
may Allah forgive us!

hans said...

nice poem
I like it

P/S : Syurga Coklat Dan Gara - Gara Semangat Coklat Buat Aku Merepek Sekejap...Hahaha!

SIDDIQIjr said...

i guess the sky is more sensitive than man..perhaps..

Amin Misran said...

To dates.trees: May Allah Forgive us...

To hans: Thanks :)

To SIDDIQIjr: That is for us to ponder... huhu

Raudhatul Nadwah said...

Sgt menarik dan bermakna. Pada alam ada berbagai peringatan dari Dia untuk kita. Keep up the good work!

Pertapa Katak said...

Hujan pasti berhenti. Mentari pasti kembali.

ummuwafa@kktg/kak fatim said...


Such a nice poem. And the photo is even nicer. Congratulation..

Anonymous said...

first; sha suka gambar tu.. :)

second; sha suka poem nie.. sangat mendalam.. :) kadang kadang kita lupa bahawa kita dengan alam saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain.. tanpa hujan, pokok boleh mati... manusia pun boleh mati.. kan?... tak salah andainya langit "menangis" seketika... kita manusia, menangis sebab Allah.. macam yang kamu cakap.. padaNya jelah tempat kita luahan segalanya... and baca entry nie juga buat sha tersedar, betapa lalainya sha selama nie... :)

third; baca blog kamu juga, sumpah boleh improve english sha.. :)

thanks! :)

Amin Misran said...

To Raudhatul Nadwah:
Jazakillah Khairan

To Insan yg Bosan:
Namun hatiku tidak menangis. Hehe

To Kak fatim:
May The Blessings of Allah Be Upon You :)

To .sDanial.:
Time kasih dtg sha... Kenapa ek tangisan itu bukan hanya kerana ALlah? Andai tangisan itu hanya kerana Allah kan idah?

affendik? said...

keep on writing bro!words are indeed swords.what's missing is just an 's'...

kura2 said...

when the sky's crying
and the breeze whispering,
it's tyme for pondering
for us human being...

nice poem yaa akh..still envying ur English skills..

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